Beards and Bowties #CallOfGentlemen - Philly Remix

By Evolve Media Group Inc (other events)

Sunday, February 19 2017 10:00 AM 7:00 PM EDT

Our movement Beards & Bowties welcomes men of all ages to take part in the goal of restoring faith in true gentlemen. Our mission is to share the idea that chivalry is not dead at all. The concept of the gentleman is not merely how one is dressed, or in a traditional sense - a social or class designation. There is also a moral component that shapes the whole man. 

We endeavor to bring back traditional values to the modern man while living in a modern society that has forgotten about the things that make a MAN a GENTLEMAN.

Day One - 
This is our open call gentlemen's shoot. Participation is invite only. Photos will not be accessible for personal use. Some photos may be used in coming stories and features in one or more of our partner publications, but there is not a full guarantee that the images will be used. All participants are required to sign a release with the photographer acknowledging their understanding.

Low resolution versions of the photos may be made available via one or more of our social platforms. We ask that if you do share the content online, you must tag Beards and Bowties and the Evolve Media Group in your post. All participants are to sign a release acknowledging their understanding of this.

Day Two - 
This is our branded photo shoot number one. We have requested that several brands supply wardrobe and accessories for this shoot. These photos can and will be used in future publications. As attendees of this, you have opted into our more branded level of experience. These photos will be made available for attendees that have agreed to the terms and conditions found below.

We have also invited a few local men and women of influence to participate. They along with the designers and stores that have supplied items will be announced over the course of the next few weeks.